The first round of COVID-19 vaccine was delivered to Rochelle Community Hospital on Wednesday, December 16, from the Ogle County Health Department. A total of 155 doses of the Pfizer vaccine were received. RCH frontline staff who chose to take the vaccination are receiving their first dose over the next few days, including county EMS workers.
The vaccine is the newest tool available for use in combatting the COVID-19 pandemic. Groups to receive vaccination will be announced in phases to the community as additional vaccine becomes available for the public in the coming months. These phases will be determined by the CDC, State and local health departments.
Your best protection from COVID-19 will be a combination of getting a COVID-19 vaccine, wearing a mask, staying at least 6 feet away from others, avoiding crowds, and washing your hands often. No one tool alone is going to stop the pandemic. Learn about the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination so you’ll be ready when a vaccine is recommended.