Congratulations to Jennifer Finkboner who is our High Performer for August! Jennifer is the Food and Nutrition Department Coordinator. She has three years of service at RCH.
She has two nominations: “Over the past several months, the food and nutrition department was hit hard with staff testing positive for Covid-19. During these unfortunate times, Jennifer picked up eight hour shifts, worked holidays, weekends, and continued to perform her daily task without a complaint or frown. Despite being short staffed for long periods of time, the department was able to provide excellent service to our patients and staff, because of Jennifer’s ability to delegate and lead. I am very lucky to have an employee with such compassion and commitment. The department has come such a long way and Jennifer’s contributions have been vital to our success.”
“I would like to nominate Jen Finkboner for the honor of High Performer of the Month. Jen is a role model and the definition of a servant leader in the Dietary Department. When there are shifts to cover, Jen doesn’t wait for someone else to step up, she just volunteers to cover. Her abilities in the kitchen always produce exceptional results whether it is breakfast, lunch, dinner or a catering order. She helps keep Ross well stocked with food and the necessary supplies to keep the dining room hopping. She is truly one of those people that fills so many different roles within her department. If she sees a need, like the serving line getting backed up, she just jumps in to help. She is efficient and pays attention to even the smallest details. When faced with stressful situations, Jen is calm and focused and helps others to be that way as well. She is a wealth of knowledge and talent and she provides services and products that are second to none. Thank you Jen, for all your efforts in keeping RCH staff, patients and visitors well fed!!”