Bridging Care Between Hospital & Home
We understand that it may be hard to know what to do when a family member or friend is not ready or able to return home immediately after hospitalization from a major illness or surgery. Sometimes patients need skilled services to return to their home safely.
RCH Swing Bed services provide a viable alternative to a skilled care facility, such as a nursing home. Through our service, patients receive exceptional skilled care with an emphasis on maximizing health and rehabilitation potential. Our primary objective is to assist patients and their families in meeting their individual goals so they can return home.
A good experience from a bad fall, click below to read about Joyce Curtis’ swing bed experience

The scope of service available through RCH Swing Bed includes:
- Skilled nursing care
- Physical Therapy
- Nutrition Counseling
- Ancillary Services (Lab, Imaging, Respiratory Therapy)
- Discharge Planning
- IV Therapy

Skilled care benefits are available only after a three-day (three midnights) qualifying inpatient hospital stay. If you qualify, Medicare will pay 100% up to 20 days except for any charges Medicare does not allow. At Rochelle Community Hospital, our Swing Bed patients stay an average of 4 to 5 days. If your care requires more than 20 days, this program may not be appropriate for your needs.
The length of stay in Swing Bed services will be determined by the goals met through the skilled services the patient is receiving.
Patients with Medicare Advantage plans may qualify for Swing Bed based on individual replacement plan contract.

RCH physicians and RCH case management coordinators make the determination. A primary care physician will order an evaluation for Swing Bed care, which will be completed by the case management coordinator. If the condition meets the Medicare criteria, Swing Bed care may be an option.

Swing Bed allows continuity of care, so the same physicians, nursing staff and therapists will continue to care for a patient in Swing Bed care. Patients remain on the same medical/surgical floor, so recovery is not interrupted. Patients in Swing Bed Care can bring their own clothing and personal items and the staff will help plan daily activities to make the stay comfortable and enjoyable. Patients will also receive onsite physical and occupational therapies if needed and enjoy homecooked meals and warm and welcoming care from our around-the-clock skilled nursing staff.