Your safety is always our priority
At Rochelle Community Hospital, we are always dedicated to providing our valued patients with the highest quality healthcare in the very safest way possible. This holds true with all of the services we provide, ranging from emergency care to rehabilitation and physical therapy, cancer care, pain management, and many others. We offer all of these services with one main goal in mind, to take care of you and your family.
Committed to Keeping you Healthy, Safely
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have incorporated additional procedures and protocols (listed below) to ensure you will receive the safest care available when you come in to see your healthcare provider. If you have been delaying care for any health problem you may be experiencing, we strongly urge you to get the help you need. Putting off care can put your health — or your life—at risk.
Our dedicated providers and staff welcome you back with the reassurance that we are taking every precaution to provide you with the quality healthcare you know and trust from Rochelle Community Hospital.
To schedule an appointment, please get in touch with your healthcare provider or call 815-562-2181.

- Screening and masking required at the following hospital entrances:
– Main Entrance (2nd Street)
– Health and Wellness Entrance (2nd Street)
– Emergency Entrance (3rd Street). - Masks or face coverings are required for everyone entering the hospital: All staff will wear masks which vary based on the service or care they provide. All patients and visitors must wear a mask or face covering to enter; if you don’t have your own, masks are available at the entrances.
- Temperature checks at entrances: All staff members, patients and visitors will have their temperature checked before entering the hospital.
- Visitor restrictions remain in place: Visitors are limited on the Medical/Surgical floor, Emergency Department, Same Day Surgery, Intensive Care Unit and clinics. Only ONE dedicated visitor per patient will be allowed to minimize public traffic throughout the facility. The visitor must be the same person every visit. After screening, the visitor must remain masked for the duration of their visit anywhere in the facility, including the patient’s room.
- Social distancing in waiting rooms: Waiting rooms have been reconfigured so patients can stay six feet away from others.
- Hand sanitizer: We offer hand sanitizer at each entrance and at numerous locations throughout the building. Everyone who enters should sanitize their hands.
- Frequent cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces: RCH continues to clean and sanitize surfaces throughout the building and we have added an even more aggressive schedule to our already high standard of cleanliness. We will continue to clean and disinfect environmental surfaces more frequently.
- If you have symptoms of COVID-19, call our triage phone number for instructions: If you suspect you have the coronavirus or have non-emergent questions about COVID-19, call 815-561-8829 for a pre-screening and directions on where to come for COVID-19 testing, if indicated. Our designated triage line is accessible Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Callers also have the ability to leave a message and the call will be returned during the triage line hours of operation.
- Patients receiving COVID-19 testing are separated from other patients: RCH screens patients with COVID-19 symptoms in a designated area to safely separate sick and healthy patients.
- Committed to keeping you up to date: To keep you informed on any new COVID-19 developments related to our hospital, please make sure to regularly check our News, Events, or Facebook pages. There, you will not only find updates about COVID-19, but other activities and happenings taking place throughout our organization since that is where we share our newsletter, local press-releases, and other important information.